Unlock Peak Pigeon Performance: The Vital Role of Electrolytes and Belgasol in Racing Success

Jan de Wijs1 comment

Embark on a journey to the top of the racing pigeon world with me, Jan de Wijs—your #RacingPigeonExpert with over four decades of experience. Today, I'm thrilled to share the cornerstone of my pigeons' routine: the strategic use of electrolytes and a steadfast commitment to Belgasol, a product I've trusted...

Trichomoniasis in Racing Pigeons: A Fancier’s Guide to Understanding, Prevention, and Treatment

Jan de Wijs

For those of us who have devoted our lives to the beautiful sport of pigeon racing, the health and well-being of our birds is paramount. Over my 40 years in the sport, I have seen and tackled many ailments that have befallen our feathered champions. However, today I want to...