Feathered Fantasies: Unveiling the Splendor of Your Personalized Pigeon Showcase

Introducing your personalized pigeon showcase.

Jan de Wijs3 comments

Introducing your personalized pigeon showcase. I'm thrilled to present a special chance to enhance your visibility among pigeon enthusiasts. Promote your pigeons on our well-known website and take advantage of our extensive network of followers and newsletter subscribers.

I'm thrilled to present a special chance to enhance your visibility among pigeon enthusiasts through our platform. Market your pigeons on our well-known website and take advantage of our extensive network of followers and newsletter subscribers.

For just €0.10 per Instagram follower, you can secure a dedicated section on our popular website to showcase and sell your prized pigeons. With a current following of 28,100, this translates to a total of €2810 for the year. However, please note that our follower count continues to grow, with approximately 10 to 15 new followers daily, and occasionally spikes into the hundreds during viral posts.

Features of the VIP Section include

  • Personalized Space:
    Your exclusive area on our website, where you can feature all your news and links to your website and / or social media channels.
  • Exclusive Strain Rights:
    Claim specific strains, such as Jan Aarden, Jos de Klak, Flor Engels, or Janssen Brothers, ensuring exclusivity within our platform
  • Freedom of Design:
    Collaborate with us to design your section for maximum engagement with fellow fanciers.
  • Free Social Media Advertisement:
    Highlight two pigeons / products / news of your choice each week on our social media channels at no additional cost, further promoting your offerings
  • Full Customer Contact Support
    We answer all the questions coming from your Personalized Space. Separating the serious buyers from the tire kickers!

The agreement spans one year, after which we'll assess its mutual success and decide on further collaboration. Our aim is to ensure a win-win situation for both parties involved.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Secure your spot and connect with a community of passionate pigeon enthusiasts. Reach out to express your interest or seek clarification on any queries. Click here>>>

Looking forward to assisting you on your pigeon-selling journey!

Yours in pigeon passion,

Jan de Wijs
Blogger and Racing Pigeon Expert

Comments (3)

Jan de Wijs | Pigeon Boss

Hi, if you want to buy pigeons and need my help. Give me a buzz at jan@pigeonboss.com and we go from there…

Manuel Alain cotado cuevas

Please I would like to buy some Jan Aarden


I am interested in Jan Aarden Pigeons, please can you let me know when you have them for sale, Thank you 🙏

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