The Incredible Battle in the Sky: The Fate of Pigeon Racing

The Incredible Battle in the Sky: The Fate of Pigeon Racing

Jan de Wijs

In the whisper-quiet dawn, where once the air was filled with the flapping of pigeons, now hangs an oppressive silence. Pigeon racing, once a thriving pillar of tradition and community spirit, teeters under the pressure of inequality and a threatening exodus that concerns enthusiasts. The latest figures reveal a true drama unfolding: a sharp decline in membership with a worrying forecast for the future.

Let's not ignore the relentless story that the numbers tell us In Zeeland '96, where in 2019 there were still 760 members practicing the sport, they now stand at a bleak count of 628, with a forecast leading us to an abyss of only 519 members by 2030. The pattern is similar in Brabant 2000 and East Brabant, with a downward spiral of 27% and 26% respectively in just half a decade. These are not isolated stories, but the echoes of a wider crisis spreading through the heart of our communities.

Experts, insiders, and sociologists are sounding the alarm
Pigeon racing, once a symbol of equality and sportsmanship, is in a state of inequality unlike any before. Costs are skyrocketing, structures are skewed, and the uneven battle between amateurs and the wealthy commercial breeders is tearing apart the foundations of this noble pastime. Where sports like soccer and tennis ensure the fairness of the contest, pigeon racing stands synonymous with an unequal struggle: fifty pigeons against ten is a match lost in advance.

It's going really fast...
The total membership is shrinking like a puddle under the scorching sun; from 16,051 in 2019 to a mere 12,836 in 2024, and the future points to an even bleaker figure of just 10,300 members. This is the silent cry for help of a sport in distress.
The Ultimate Wake-Up CallThese numbers are a deafening wake-up call for every pigeon racing enthusiast, a grim outlook that begs for action. The time is ticking to reverse the tide and bring the sport back to its glorious days of yore. The question we must ask ourselves is not whether we should act, but how quickly we can move to secure the future.

And while we await the figures from the Belgian federation in suspense, we must not stand still. We must act now, before it's too late. Uniting breeders, renewing the structure, and redefining the competition are the first steps towards recovery. This is not just about preserving a sport, but also protecting a part of our cultural heritage.

Pigeon racing deserves a renaissance
A return to a time when the passion for pigeon breeding was not determined by the thickness of one's wallet, but by the love for the bird and the sport. It's time to reunite the community and fight for a just and inclusive future.

We Need Eachother
Let's unite in the fight against the drain and inequality. Together, we can usher in a new dawn for pigeon racing, where every enthusiast, big or small, has a fair chance to compete, to win, and to share in the pure joy this sport can bring.

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Until the next blog with hopefully better news!

Jan de Wis
Blogger & Pigeon Racing Expert

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