The Epic Barcelona Race: A Marathon Race for Racing Pigeon Enthusiasts

The Epic Barcelona Race: A Marathon Race for Racing Pigeon Enthusiasts

Jan de Wijs

Imagine a race that tests the limits of endurance, skill, and sheer willpower. A race so prestigious that winning it places you among the legends of pigeon racing. Welcome to the Barcelona International Race, the ultimate marathon for racing pigeons. This is not just a race; it’s a saga of passion, perseverance, and pigeon prowess! 

A Journey Through Time: The History of the Barcelona Race 
Since 1951, the Barcelona International Race has been the crown jewel of marathon pigeon racing. Initially organized by the Cureghem Centre Club, and now by Club Entente Belge, this race has seen countless pigeons take flight from the vibrant city of Barcelona, embarking on an epic journey that spans hundreds, for some even over 1300 of kilometers back to their lofts.  

The Birth of a Legendary Race 
In 1951, Cureghem Centre took on the mantle of organizing the Barcelona race, facing numerous challenges. The 1956 edition was particularly tough, with only 885 pigeons participating. Many thought it would be the end, but in 1957, a surprising 3,350 birds took to the skies, marking the first victory for a German fancier, G. Staudt. This moment was the beginning of the great story of the Barcelona International Race. 

Record-Breaking Moments 
The 1993 edition set a record with 33,044 pigeons taking flight, and Dutch fancier Jan Theelen claimed victory with his super hen “Rikky.” Every year, the race has witnessed moments of glory, heartbreak, and triumph, with super birds returning home while others never made it back. 

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 The Hall of Fame: Winners of the Barcelona International Race 
Let’s take a look at the champions who have etched their names in the annals of pigeon racing history: 

**1948**: M. Wuyts (Belgium) - 1,200 pigeons, 1095 km 

- **1949**: H. Berlengee (Belgium) - 2,401 pigeons, 1056 km 

- **1950**: R. Tant (Belgium) - Distance 1101 km 

- **1951**: Jos Boels (Belgium) - 2,039 pigeons, 1089 km 

- **1952**: Oscar Devriend (Belgium) - 2,025 pigeons, 1080 km 

- **1953**: V/d Berghe (Belgium) - 2,175 pigeons, 1054 km 

- **1954**: Leysens-Lepreux (Belgium) - 1,910 pigeons, 1070 km 

- **1955**: Denis Adonis (Belgium) - 1,080 pigeons, 978 km 

- **1956**: O. Van Biervliet (Belgium) - 885 pigeons, 1035 km 

- **1957**: G. Staudt (Germany) - 3,350 pigeons, 1051 km 

- **1958**: Gilbert V/de Weghe (Belgium) - 3,756 pigeons, 1068 km 

- **1959**: Marcel Desmet (Belgium) - 4,184 pigeons, 1063 km 

- **1960**: Albert Monin (Belgium) - 4,441 pigeons, 969 km 

- **1961**: Martin Krauth (Holland) - 3,578 pigeons, 1090 km 

- **1962**: Ad Demarets (Belgium) - 3,300 pigeons, 1051 km 

- **1963**: Ad Demarets (Belgium) - 3,599 pigeons, 1051 km 

- **1964**: Deraedt Van-Grembergen (Belgium) - 3,845 pigeons, 1081 km 

- **1965**: D. van Bommel (Holland) - 4,036 pigeons, 1191 km 

- **1966**: Andre van Bruane (Belgium) - 4,343 pigeons, 1044 km 

- **1967**: L. Plancquaert (Belgium) - 4,078 pigeons, 1087 km 

- **1968**: Ross Jurgen (Germany) - 5,348 pigeons, 1094 km 

- **1969**: M+J Opsomer (Belgium) - 8,267 pigeons, 1057 km 

- **1970**: Desmet Lippens (Belgium) - 6,781 pigeons, 1111 km 

- **1971**: M. Huls (Holland) - 7,384 pigeons, 1093 km 

- **1972**: D. Roelandt (Belgium) - 7,293 pigeons, 1077 km 

- **1973**: Jef Carlens (Belgium) - 8,515 pigeons, 1078 km 

- **1974**: E. Sutor (Germany) - 10,273 pigeons, 1098 km 

- **1975**: A Callebert (Belgium) - 8,301 pigeons, 1068 km 

- **1976**: R. Florizoone (Belgium) - 11,016 pigeons, 1080 km 

- **1977**: R. Christen (Luxembourg) - 10,502 pigeons, 954 km 

- **1978**: J. Gryspeer (Belgium) - 11,131 pigeons, 1052 km 

- **1979**: R. Gyselinck (Belgium) - 12,201 pigeons, 1073 km 

- **1980**: J. Hendriks (Holland) - 13,636 pigeons, 1242 km 

- **1981**: Cor Willegers (Holland) - 13,202 pigeons, 1140 km 

- **1982**: Gebr Peermans (Belgium) - 15,605 pigeons, 1082 km 

- **1983**: Paul Gilmont (Belgium) - 12,146 pigeons, 1018 km 

- **1984**: Andre van Bruane (Belgium) - 13,033 pigeons, 1044 km 

- **1985**: J & P Vervisch (Belgium) - 17,060 pigeons, 1050 km 

- **1986**: German Schlomer (Germany) - 18,076 pigeons, 1129 km 

- **1987**: Chretien Vanoppen (Belgium) - 21,545 pigeons, 1076 km 

- **1988**: Wim van Leeuwen (Holland) - 21,194 pigeons, 1171 km 

- **1989**: Kerstin & Dirk Bohm (Germany) - 25,502 pigeons, 1068 km 

- **1990**: Uwe Hermes (Germany) - 28,128 pigeons, 1121 km 

- **1991**: Jean Luc van Roy (Belgium) - 27,167 pigeons, 1045 km 

- **1992**: Martin Biemans (Holland) - 27,068 pigeons, 1152 km 

- **1993**: Jan Theelen (Holland) - 33,196 pigeons, 1128 km 

- **1994**: Rene Verborg (Belgium) - 26,807 pigeons, 1047 km 

- **1995**: R & A Gyselbrecht (Belgium) - 20,936 pigeons, 1084 km 

- **1996**: Willems-Thone (Belgium) - 20,129 pigeons, 1096 km 

- **1997**: Valentin Vanheusden (Belgium) - 24,908 pigeons, 1087 km 

- **1998**: Kipp & Sohne (Germany) - 24,139 pigeons, 955 km 

- **1999**: Joop Torreman (Holland) - 28,095 pigeons, 1171 km 

- **2000**: Comb Houtekamer (Holland) - 26,597 pigeons, 1139 km 

- **2001**: Sybille Heymann (Holland) - 25,760 pigeons, 1141 km 

- **2002**: Comb RBB Gardien (Holland) - 26,944 pigeons, 1190 km 

- **2003**: Freres Fauche (Belgium) - 20,204 pigeons, 1045 km 

- **2004**: Vrosch Meyers (Holland) - 24,913 pigeons, 1100 km 

- **2005**: Cyrille Schaschkow (France) - 25,815 pigeons, 943 km 

- **2006**: Gerard van Tuyl (Holland) - 22,887 pigeons, 1186 km 

- **2007**: Menne & Tochter (Germany) - 25,716 pigeons, 1200 km 

- **2008**: Danny Vangenenden (Belgium) - 23,708 pigeons, 1076 km 

- **2009**: Comb W & M van Houten (Holland) - 27,669 pigeons, 1205 km 

- **2010**: Burkhard Heller (Germany) - 25,750 pigeons, 1098 km 

- **2011**: Comb Boogaard -van Buuren (Holland) - 26,066 pigeons, 1237 km 

- **2012**: Philippe Deu (France) - 25,320 pigeons, 1043 km 

- **2013**: Luc Wiels (Belgium) - 25,294 pigeons, 1057 km 

- **2014**: Jelle Jellema (Holland) - 21,169 pigeons, 1258 km 

- **2015**: P Cuffels & Fils (France) - 19,083 pigeons, 917 km 

- **2016**: Lothar Lesmeister (Germany) - 17,732 pigeons, 981 km 

- **2017**: Leen Roks (Holland) - 17,094 pigeons, 1148 km 

- **2018**: Team Freddy de Jaeger (Belgium) - 15,707 pigeons, 1087 km 

- **2019**: Jeroen & Stijn Rans (Belgium) - 15,981 pigeons, 1083 km 

- **2020**: Alin Karscu (Germany) - 14,589 pigeons, 1005 km 

- **2021**: Robert Ben (France) - 16,485 pigeons, 1043 km 

- **2022**: Team Delhove-Paesmans (Belgium) - 16,832 pigeons, 1014 km 

- **2023**: Ben Miloud Hamed (Belgium) - 16,569 pigeons, 903 km 

A Tribute to Pigeon Heroes 
These results reflect the dedication, training, and love fanciers have for their pigeons. Each year, the race brings together enthusiasts from different countries, creating a tapestry of competition, camaraderie, and shared passion. The Barcelona International Race is not just a test of speed but a celebration of the incredible bond between fanciers and their feathered athletes. 

Looking Forward 
As we eagerly await the next edition, the excitement and anticipation build. Who will rise to the challenge and become the next legend? Will it be a seasoned champion or a new contender? The only certainty is that the Barcelona International Race will continue to inspire and captivate pigeon racing enthusiasts around the world. 

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So, here’s to the next flight, the next hero, and the timeless spirit of competition that makes the Barcelona International Race the pinnacle of pigeon racing! Fly high, champions, and may the wind be ever in your favour! 

Until the next blog, 

Jan de Wijs 
Blogger & Racing Pigeon Expert 

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